Higgsbounds user subroutines. More...
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | initialize_higgsbounds (nHiggsneut, nHiggsplus, whichanalyses_in) |
Initializes HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | initialize_higgsbounds_int (nHiggsneut, nHiggsplus, flag) |
Calls higgsbounds_subroutines::initialize_higgsbounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_input_slha (infile) |
Inputs an SLHA file to HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_properties (Mh, GammaTotal_hj, CP_value) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's properties (mass, total width, CP) to HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc (ghjss_s, ghjss_p, ghjcc_s, ghjcc_p, ghjbb_s, ghjbb_p, ghjtt_s, ghjtt_p, ghjmumu_s, ghjmumu_p, ghjtautau_s, ghjtautau_p, ghjWW, ghjZZ, ghjZga, ghjgaga, ghjgg, ghjhiZ) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's effective couplings (aka scale factors) to HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_smbr (BR_hjss, BR_hjcc, BR_hjbb, BR_hjtt, BR_hjmumu, BR_hjtautau, BR_hjWW, BR_hjZZ, BR_hjZga, BR_hjgaga, BR_hjgg) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios for Standard Model final states to HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_nonsmbr (BR_hjinvisible, BR_hkhjhi, BR_hjhiZ, BR_hjemu, BR_hjetau, BR_hjmutau, BR_hjHpiW) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios for non-Standard Model final states to HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_firstgen (ghjuu_s, ghjuu_p, ghjdd_s, ghjdd_p, ghjee_s, ghjee_p) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's effective couplings (aka scale factors) to HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_fv (ghjuc_s, ghjuc_p, ghjut_s, ghjut_p, ghjct_s, ghjct_p, ghjds_s, ghjds_p, ghjdb_s, ghjdb_p, ghjsb_s, ghjsb_p) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's flavor violating couplings to HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_firstgenbr (BR_hjuu, BR_hjdd, BR_hjee) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios to first generation SM fermions. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_fvbr (BR_hjuc, BR_hjds, BR_hjut, BR_hjdb, BR_hjct, BR_hjsb) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios to first generation SM fermions. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep (XS_ee_hjZ_ratio, XS_ee_bbhj_ratio, XS_ee_tautauhj_ratio, XS_ee_hjhi_ratio) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's cross sections for lepton collider (LEP). More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr (collider, CS_hj_ratio, CS_gg_hj_ratio, CS_bb_hj_ratio, CS_hjW_ratio, CS_hjZ_ratio, CS_vbf_ratio, CS_tthj_ratio, CS_thj_tchan_ratio, CS_thj_schan_ratio, CS_qq_hjZ_ratio, CS_gg_hjZ_ratio, CS_tWhj_ratio, CS_hjhi) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's cross sections for hadron colliders. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates (collider, channelrates) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's channel rates. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_charged_input (Mhplus, GammaTotal_Hpj, CS_ee_HpjHmj_ratio, BR_tWpb, BR_tHpjb, BR_Hpjcs, BR_Hpjcb, BR_Hpjtaunu, BR_Hpjtb, BR_HpjWZ, BR_HpjhiW) |
Input of charged Higgs boson's properties (mass, width, LEP cross section, BRs) to HiggsBounds Input of charged Higgs boson's masses, total widths, production cross section at lepton colliders, and branching ratios. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_charged_input_exoticbr (BR_Hpjud, BR_Hpjus, BR_Hpjcd, BR_Hpjub, BR_Hpjenu, BR_Hpjmunu) |
Input of charged scalar boson's exotic branching ratios Branching ratios of scalar decays to final states involving first-generation quarks or light leptons (e, mu) More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_charged_input_hadr (collider, CS_Hpmjtb, CS_Hpmjcb, CS_Hpmjbjet, CS_Hpmjcjet, CS_qq_Hpmj, CS_HpmjW, CS_HpmjZ, CS_vbf_Hpmj, CS_HpjHmj, CS_Hpmjhi) |
Input of charged Higgs boson's production cross sections at hadron colliders. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_charged_input_effc_fermions (hcjud_L, hcjud_R, hcjcs_L, hcjcs_R, hcjtb_L, hcjtb_R, hcjus_L, hcjus_R, hcjub_L, hcjub_R, hcjcd_L, hcjcd_R, hcjcb_L, hcjcb_R, hcjtd_L, hcjtd_R, hcjts_L, hcjts_R) |
Couplings of the charged Higgs bosons to fermions. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_neutral_hadr_cs (i, collider, singleH, ggH, bbH, VBF, WH, ZH, ttH, tH_tchan, tH_schan, qqZH, ggZH) |
Get neutral Higgs boson's (SM-normalized) hadronic cross section. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_neutral_br (i, BR_hjss, BR_hjcc, BR_hjbb, BR_hjtt, BR_hjmumu, BR_hjtautau, BR_hjWW, BR_hjZZ, BR_hjZga, BR_hjgaga, BR_hjgg) |
Get neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios (for Higgs decays into SM final states). More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_neutral_total_width (i, GammaTot, GammaTot_SM) |
Get neutral Higgs boson's total width. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_set_mass_uncertainties (dMhneut, dMhch) |
Input of theoretical Higgs mass uncertainties to HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | run_higgsbounds (HBresult, chan, obsratio, ncombined) |
Runs HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | run_higgsbounds_single (h, HBresult, chan, obsratio, ncombined) |
Runs HiggsBounds and returns results for a single Higgs boson. More... | |
subroutine | run_higgsbounds_full (HBresult, chan, obsratio, ncombined) |
Runs HiggsBounds. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_most_sensitive_channels_per_higgs (nH, pos, HBresult, chan, obsratio, predratio, ncombined) |
This routine provides information about the most sensitive channel(s) for a specific Higgs boson. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_most_sensitive_channels (pos, HBresult, chan, obsratio, predratio, ncombined) |
This routine provides information about the overall most sensitive channel(s). More... | |
subroutine | run_higgsbounds_classic (HBresult, chan, obsratio, ncombined) |
Run HiggsBounds in classic mode. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_likelihood (analysisID, Hindex, nc, cbin, M, llh, obspred) |
Get exclusion likelihoods. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_likelihood_for_higgs (analysisID, cbin_in, Hindex, nc, cbin, M, llh, obspred) |
Get exclusion likelihoods involving the specified Higgs boson. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_likelihood_for_comb (analysisID, cbin_in, Hindex, nc, cbin, M, llh, obspred) |
Get exclusion likelihoods with some Higgs bosons excluded from the clustering. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_slha_output |
Outputs the HiggsBounds results to the SLHA file. More... | |
subroutine | initialize_higgsbounds_chisqtables |
Initialize the LEP Chisq extension. More... | |
subroutine | finish_higgsbounds_chisqtables |
Deallocate data structures used by the LEP Chisq extension. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_get_lepchisq (theory_uncertainty_1s, chisq_withouttheory, chisq_withtheory, channel) |
Calculate the LEP chisq value. More... | |
subroutine | finish_higgsbounds |
Deallocate data structures and close files. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_single (quantity, val) |
Set a single effective coupling to the given value(s). More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_double (quantity, val) |
Set a single 2d coupling matrix of the effective coupling input. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep_single (quantity, val) |
Set a single LEP cross section to the given value(s). More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep_double (quantity, val) |
Set a single 2d LEP cross section to the given value(s). More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_single (collider, quantity, val) |
Set a single hadron collider cross section to the given value(s). More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_double (collider, quantity, val) |
Set a single 2d hadron collider cross section to the given value(s). More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates_single (collider, nHiggs, p, d, val) |
Sets a single channelrate. More... | |
subroutine | higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates_clean |
Resets the channelrates. More... | |
Higgsbounds user subroutines.
These are the main routines needed to use HiggsBounds. They cover both the input of model predictions in different formats and the actual running of HiggsBounds. See the subroutine documentation for a detailed description of how to use this interface.
If you want to use HiggsBounds with C or C++ please take a look at HiggsBounds_subroutines.h
subroutine finish_higgsbounds | ( | ) |
Deallocate data structures and close files.
This needs to be called exactly once when you are done using HiggsBounds.
subroutine finish_higgsbounds_chisqtables | ( | ) |
Deallocate data structures used by the LEP Chisq extension.
This needs to be called exactly once when you are done using HiggsBounds.
subroutine higgsbounds_charged_input | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | Mhplus, |
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | GammaTotal_Hpj, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_ee_HpjHmj_ratio, | ||
double precision, intent(in) | BR_tWpb, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_tHpjb, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjcs, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjcb, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjtaunu, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjtb, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_HpjWZ, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus), np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_HpjhiW | ||
) |
Input of charged Higgs boson's properties (mass, width, LEP cross section, BRs) to HiggsBounds Input of charged Higgs boson's masses, total widths, production cross section at lepton colliders, and branching ratios.
Mhplus | mass values (in GeV) of the charged Higgs bosons |
GammaTotal_Hpj | total widths (in GeV) of the charged Higgs bosons |
CS_ee_HpjHmj_ratio | (2HDM-normalized) cross section for the LEP process \( e^+e^- \to h^+_j h^-_j\) (see manual for details on normalization) |
BR_tWpb | Branching ratio for the top quark decay, \( t\to W^+ b \) |
BR_tHpjb | Branching ratio for the top quark decay to charged Higgs bosons, \(t\to h^+_j b\) |
BR_Hpjcs | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to c \bar{s}\) |
BR_Hpjcb | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to c \bar{b}\) |
BR_Hpjtaunu | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to \tau \nu \) |
BR_Hpjtb | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to t\bar{b} \) |
BR_HpjWZ | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to W^+ Z \) |
BR_HpjhiW | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay to a neutral Higgs boson, \(h^+_j \to h_i W^+ \) |
subroutine higgsbounds_charged_input_effc_fermions | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjud_L, |
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjud_R, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjcs_L, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjcs_R, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjtb_L, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjtb_R, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjus_L, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjus_R, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjub_L, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjub_R, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjcd_L, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjcd_R, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjcb_L, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjcb_R, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjtd_L, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjtd_R, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjts_L, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | hcjts_R | ||
) |
Couplings of the charged Higgs bosons to fermions.
The couplings are defines as in eq. 2 of the beyond Higgs paper.
subroutine higgsbounds_charged_input_exoticbr | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjud, |
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjus, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjcd, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjub, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjenu, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_Hpjmunu | ||
) |
Input of charged scalar boson's exotic branching ratios Branching ratios of scalar decays to final states involving first-generation quarks or light leptons (e, mu)
BR_Hpjud | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to u \bar{d}\) |
BR_Hpjus | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to u \bar{s}\) |
BR_Hpjcd | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to c \bar{d}\) |
BR_Hpjub | Branching ratio for the charged Higgs decay \(h^+_j \to u \bar{b}\) |
subroutine higgsbounds_charged_input_hadr | ( | integer, intent(in) | collider, |
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_Hpmjtb, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_Hpmjcb, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_Hpmjbjet, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_Hpmjcjet, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_qq_Hpmj, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_HpmjW, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_HpmjZ, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_vbf_Hpmj, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | CS_HpjHmj, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hplus), np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_Hpmjhi | ||
) |
Input of charged Higgs boson's production cross sections at hadron colliders.
Input of charged Higgs boson's production cross sections at hadron colliders to HiggsBounds. The cross section is given in pb and corresponds to the sum of the quoted process and its charge-conjugate.
collider | selects the collider experiment for which the input is given
| ||||||||||
CS_Hpmjtb | Cross section for \(h_j^+ \bar{t} b\) (+ c.c.) production | ||||||||||
CS_Hpmjcb | Cross section for \(h_j^+ \bar{c} b\) (+ c.c.) production | ||||||||||
CS_Hpmjbjet | Cross section for \(h_j^+ b + j\) (+ c.c.) production (with light-flavor jet \(j\)) | ||||||||||
CS_Hpmjcjet | Cross section for \(h_j^+ c + j\) (+ c.c.) production (with light-flavor jet \(j\)) | ||||||||||
CS_qq_Hpm | Cross section for \(s\)-channel single \(h_j^\pm\) production | ||||||||||
CS_HpmjW | Cross section for \(h_j^+ W^-\) (+ c.c.) production | ||||||||||
CS_HpmjZ | Cross section for \(h_j^+ Z\) (+ c.c.) production | ||||||||||
CS_vbf_Hpmj | Cross section for \(h_j^+\) (+ c.c.) production in vector boson fusion (VBF) | ||||||||||
CS_HpjHmj | Cross section for \(h_j^+ h_j^-\) production | ||||||||||
CS_Hpmjhi | Cross section for \(h_j^+ h_i\) (+c.c.) production |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_lepchisq | ( | double precision, intent(in) | theory_uncertainty_1s, |
double precision, intent(out) | chisq_withouttheory, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | chisq_withtheory, | ||
integer, intent(out) | channel | ||
) |
Calculate the LEP chisq value.
Evaluates the \(\chi^2\) of the tabulated LEP results. Only run this after calling run_higgsbounds_classic().
theory_uncertainty_1s | 1 sigma mass uncertainty to use in the chisq calculation. This is a separate value from the one set by higgsbounds_set_mass_uncertainties(). |
chisq_withouttheory | \(\chi^2\)-value ignoring the theory_uncertainty_1s |
chisq_withtheory | \(\chi^2\)-value including the theory_uncertainty_1s |
channel | code indicating which analysis was used to derive the \(\chi^2\)-value |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_likelihood | ( | integer, intent(in) | analysisID, |
integer, intent(out) | Hindex, | ||
integer, intent(out) | nc, | ||
integer, intent(out) | cbin, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | M, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | llh, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in) | obspred | ||
) |
Get exclusion likelihoods.
Finds the combination of Higgs bosons (cluster) that gives the maximal likelihood and returns the likelihood for this combination. See 1507.06706 for details.
analysisID | likelihood for which analysis |
Hindex | index of the Higgs bosons that originated the dominant cluster |
nc | number of Higgs bosons in the dominant cluster |
cbin | binary code denoting which Higgs bosons are contained in the cluster. Calculated as \( \sum_\mathrm{Higgs} 2^{i-1} \) where the sum goes over all Higgs bosons in the clusters and \(i\) is their index. For example, for the indexing \(h1=h, h2=H, h3=A\), the combination H+A would give cbin = 6 and a cluster formed only by the h gives cbin = 1 . |
M | averaged mass value |
llh | value of the likelihood |
obspred | which likelihood to return, 'obs' = observed, 'pred' = expected/predicted |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_likelihood_for_comb | ( | integer, intent(in) | analysisID, |
integer, intent(in) | cbin_in, | ||
integer, intent(out) | Hindex, | ||
integer, intent(out) | nc, | ||
integer, intent(out) | cbin, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | M, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | llh, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in) | obspred | ||
) |
Get exclusion likelihoods with some Higgs bosons excluded from the clustering.
Finds the combination of Higgs bosons (cluster) that gives the best exclusion without including any of the Higgs bosons indivated by cbin_in and returns the likelihood for this combination. See 1507.06706 for details.
analysisID | likelihood for which analysis |
cbin_in | binary code indicating which Higgs bosons are not to be included in the clustering, see higgsbounds_get_likelihood() for details. |
Hindex | index of the Higgs bosons that originated the dominant cluster |
nc | number of Higgs bosons in the dominant cluster |
cbin | binary code denoting which Higgs bosons are contained in the cluster, see higgsbounds_get_likelihood() for details. |
M | averaged mass value |
llh | value of the likelihood |
obspred | which likelihood to return, 'obs' = observed, 'pred' = expected/predicted |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_likelihood_for_higgs | ( | integer, intent(in) | analysisID, |
integer, intent(in) | cbin_in, | ||
integer, intent(in) | Hindex, | ||
integer, intent(out) | nc, | ||
integer, intent(out) | cbin, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | M, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | llh, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in) | obspred | ||
) |
Get exclusion likelihoods involving the specified Higgs boson.
Similar to higgsbounds_get_likelihood_for_comb() but only consider clusters involving the Higgs specified by Hindex.
analysisID | likelihood for which analysis |
cbin_in | binary code indicating which Higgs bosons are not to be included in the clustering, see higgsbounds_get_likelihood() for details. |
Hindex | index of the Higgs bosons to always include |
nc | number of Higgs bosons in the dominant cluster |
cbin | binary code denoting which Higgs bosons are contained in the cluster, see higgsbounds_get_likelihood() for details. |
M | averaged mass value |
llh | value of the likelihood |
obspred | which likelihood to return, 'obs' = observed, 'pred' = expected/predicted |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_most_sensitive_channels | ( | integer, intent(in) | pos, |
integer, intent(out) | HBresult, | ||
integer, intent(out) | chan, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | obsratio, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | predratio, | ||
integer, intent(out) | ncombined | ||
) |
This routine provides information about the overall most sensitive channel(s).
After the HiggsBounds run this provides information about the most sensitive channels (with the position in the ranking specified by the user, up to maximal rank usefulbits::numres). The routine returns both the ratio of predicted rate over the expected limit (predratio), and over the observed limit (obsratio).
pos | Rank in sensitivity of the channel (with 1 being the most sensitive channel) |
HBresult | The HiggsBounds result (0,1 or -1) from this specific channel and Higgs boson |
chan | Number of the channel, as defined in Key.dat |
obsratio | Ratio of the predicted rate over the observed limit for this channel |
predratio | Ratio of the predicted rate over the expected limit for this channel |
ncombined | Number of Higgs bosons that have been combined in order to calculate the predicted rate |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_most_sensitive_channels_per_higgs | ( | integer, intent(in) | nH, |
integer, intent(in) | pos, | ||
integer, intent(out) | HBresult, | ||
integer, intent(out) | chan, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | obsratio, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | predratio, | ||
integer, intent(out) | ncombined | ||
) |
This routine provides information about the most sensitive channel(s) for a specific Higgs boson.
After the HiggsBounds run this subroutine provides information about the most sensitive channels (with the position in the ranking specified by the user, up to maximal rank usefulbits::numres) for a given Higgs boson. The routine returns both the ratio of predicted rate over the expected limit (predratio), and over the observed limit (obsratio).
nH | Index of the Higgs boson, enumerating first over the neutral Higgs bosons then the charged Higgs bosons |
pos | Rank in sensitivity of the channel (with 1 being the most sensitive channel) |
HBresult | The HiggsBounds result (0,1 or -1) from this specific channel and Higgs boson |
chan | Number of the channel, as defined in Key.dat |
obsratio | Ratio of the predicted rate over the observed limit for this channel |
predratio | Ratio of the predicted rate over the expected limit for this channel |
ncombined | Number of Higgs bosons that have been combined in order to calculate the predicted rate |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_neutral_br | ( | integer, intent(in) | i, |
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjss, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjcc, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjbb, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjtt, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjmumu, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjtautau, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjWW, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjZZ, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjZga, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjgaga, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | BR_hjgg | ||
) |
Get neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios (for Higgs decays into SM final states).
This subroutine returns the branching ratios of the neutral Higgs boson \(h_i\) decays into SM final states from the internal data in HiggsBounds.
i | Index of the neutral Higgs boson |
BR_hjss | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to strange quarks, \( h_i \to s \bar{s} \) |
BR_hjcc | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to charm quarks, \( h_i \to c \bar{c} \) |
BR_hjbb | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to bottom quarks, \( h_i \to b \bar{b} \) |
BR_hjtt | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to top quarks, \( h_i \to t \bar{t} \) |
BR_hjmumu | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to muons, \( h_i \to \mu^+ \mu^- \) |
BR_hjtautau | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to tau leptons, \( h_i \to \tau^+ \tau^- \) |
BR_hjWW | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to W bosons, \( h_i \to W^+W^- \) |
BR_hjZZ | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to Z bosons, \( h_i \to ZZ \) |
BR_hjZga | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to a Z boson and a photon, \( h_i \to Z\gamma \) |
BR_hjgaga | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to photons, \( h_i \to \gamma\gamma \) |
BR_hjgg | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to gluons, \( h_i \to gg \) |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_neutral_hadr_cs | ( | integer, intent(in) | i, |
integer, intent(in) | collider, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | singleH, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | ggH, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | bbH, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | VBF, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | WH, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | ZH, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | ttH, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | tH_tchan, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | tH_schan, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | qqZH, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | ggZH | ||
) |
Get neutral Higgs boson's (SM-normalized) hadronic cross section.
This subroutines returns the SM-normalized hadronic cross sections for the neutral Higgs boson \(h_i\) and the specified hadron collider from the internal data in HiggsBounds.
i | Index of the neutral Higgs boson | ||||||||||
collider | selects the collider experiment for which the input is given
| ||||||||||
singleH | (SM-normalized) cross section for single Higgs production | ||||||||||
ggH | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in gluon fusion, \( gg\to h_i\) | ||||||||||
bbH | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with bottom quarks, \( b\bar{b}\to h_i\) | ||||||||||
VBF | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in vector boson fusion | ||||||||||
WH | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with a W boson | ||||||||||
ZH | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with a Z boson | ||||||||||
ttH | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with a top quark pair | ||||||||||
tH_tchan | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with a top quark (t-channel) | ||||||||||
tH_schan | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with a top quark (s-channel) | ||||||||||
qqZH | (SM-normalized) cross section for qq-bar-initiated Higgs production in association with a Z boson | ||||||||||
ggZH | (SM-normalized) cross section for gg-initiated Higgs production in association with a Z boson |
subroutine higgsbounds_get_neutral_total_width | ( | integer, intent(in) | i, |
double precision, intent(out) | GammaTot, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | GammaTot_SM | ||
) |
Get neutral Higgs boson's total width.
This subroutine returns the total width of the neutral Higgs boson \(h_i\).
subroutine higgsbounds_input_slha | ( | character(len=300), intent(in) | infile | ) |
Inputs an SLHA file to HiggsBounds.
infile | Name of the SLHA input file. Note: the SLHA file has to contain the HiggsBounds input blocks (see manual) and Higgs boson decay tables. |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjss_s, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjss_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjcc_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjcc_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjbb_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjbb_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjtt_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjtt_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjmumu_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjmumu_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjtautau_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjtautau_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjWW, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjZZ, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjZga, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjgaga, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjgg, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjhiZ | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's effective couplings (aka scale factors) to HiggsBounds.
These are used to obtain production cross sections and branching ratios by approximately rescaling the corresponding predictions for a SM Higgs boson.
ghjss_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs couplings to strange quarks |
ghjss_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to strange quarks |
ghjcc_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to charm quarks |
ghjcc_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to charm quarks |
ghjbb_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to bottom quarks |
ghjbb_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to bottom quarks |
ghjtt_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to top quarks |
ghjtt_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to top quarks |
ghjmumu_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to muons |
ghjmumu_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to muons |
ghjtautau_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to tau leptons |
ghjtautau_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to tau leptons |
ghjWW | (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to W bosons |
ghjZZ | (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to Z bosons |
ghjZga | (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to a Z boson and a photon |
ghjgaga | (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to photons |
ghjgg | (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to gluons |
ghjhiZ | (SM-normalized) effective Higgs-Higgs-Z boson coupling |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_double | ( | character(len=*), intent(in) | quantity, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hneut)), intent(in) | val | ||
) |
Set a single 2d coupling matrix of the effective coupling input.
Only sets the specified couling leaving the other ones unchanged. See also higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc() and higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_double().
quantity | which coupling to set, currently only 'ghjhiZ' is supported |
val | value to set |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_firstgen | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjuu_s, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjuu_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjdd_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjdd_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjee_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjee_p | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's effective couplings (aka scale factors) to HiggsBounds.
These are used to obtain production cross sections.
ghjuu_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs couplings to up quarks |
ghjuu_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to up quarks |
ghjdd_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to down quarks |
ghjdd_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to down quarks |
ghjee_s | Scalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to electrons |
ghjee_p | Pseudoscalar (SM-normalized) effective Higgs coupling to electrons |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_fv | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjuc_s, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjuc_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjut_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjut_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjct_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjct_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjds_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjds_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjdb_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjdb_p, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjsb_s, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | ghjsb_p | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's flavor violating couplings to HiggsBounds.
These dimensionless couplings are absent in the SM.
ghjuc_s | Scalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to up and charm quark |
ghjuc_p | Pseudoscalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to up and charm quark |
ghjut_s | Scalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to up and top quark |
ghjut_p | Pseudoscalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to up and top quark |
ghjct_s | Scalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to charm and top quark |
ghjct_p | Pseudoscalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to charm and top quark |
ghjds_s | Scalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to down and strange quark |
ghjds_p | Pseudoscalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to down and strange quark |
ghjdb_s | Scalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to down and bottom quark |
ghjdb_p | Pseudoscalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to down and bottom quark |
ghjsb_s | Scalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to strange and bottom quark |
ghjsb_p | Pseudoscalar flavor violating Higgs coupling to strange and bottom quark |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_single | ( | character(len=*), intent(in) | quantity, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | val | ||
) |
Set a single effective coupling to the given value(s).
Only sets the specified couling leaving the other ones unchanged. See also higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc() and higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc_double().
quantity | which quantity to set, valid values for the different coupligns are identical to the argument names of higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc() |
val | values to set |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_firstgenbr | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjuu, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjdd, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjee | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios to first generation SM fermions.
BR_hjuu | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into up-quarks, \( h_j \to u \bar{u} \) |
BR_hjuu | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into down-quarks, \( h_j \to d \bar{d} \) |
BR_hjuu | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into electrons, \( h_j \to e^+e^- \) |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_fvbr | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjuc, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjds, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjut, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjdb, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjct, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjsb | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios to first generation SM fermions.
BR_hjuc | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into up-quark and charm quark, \( h_j \to u \bar{d} + c.c. \) |
BR_hjds | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into down-quark and strange quark, \( h_j \to d \bar{s} + c.c. \) |
BR_hjut | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into up-quark and top quark, \( h_j \to u \bar{t} + c.c. \) |
BR_hjdb | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into down-quark and bottom quark, \( h_j \to d \bar{b} + c.c. \) |
BR_hjct | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into charm-quark and top quark, \( h_j \to c \bar{t} + c.c. \) |
BR_hjsb | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into strange-quark and bottom quark, \( h_j \to s \bar{b} + c.c. \) |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr | ( | integer, intent(in) | collider, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_hj_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_gg_hj_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_bb_hj_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_hjW_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_hjZ_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_vbf_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_tthj_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_thj_tchan_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_thj_schan_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_qq_hjZ_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_gg_hjZ_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_tWhj_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hneut)), intent(in) | CS_hjhi | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's cross sections for hadron colliders.
collider | selects the collider experiment for which the input is given
| ||||||||||
CS_hj_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for single Higgs production | ||||||||||
CS_gg_hj_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for gluon fusion production, \(gg\to h_j\) | ||||||||||
CS_bb_hj_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with bottom quarks, \(b\bar{b}\to h_j\) | ||||||||||
CS_hjW_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with a W boson | ||||||||||
CS_hjZ_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with a Z boson | ||||||||||
CS_vbf_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in vector boson fusion | ||||||||||
CS_tthj_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with a top quark pair | ||||||||||
CS_thj_tchan_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with single top quark (t-channel process) | ||||||||||
CS_thj_schan_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs production in association with single top quark (s-channel process) | ||||||||||
CS_qq_hjZ_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for qq-bar-initiated Higgs production in association with a Z boson | ||||||||||
CS_gg_hjZ_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for gg-initiated Higgs production in association with a Z boson | ||||||||||
CS_tWhj_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross sections fo Higgs prodoction in association with a top quark and a W | ||||||||||
CS_hjhi | Cross section (in pb) for non-resonant double Higgs production |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates | ( | integer, intent(in) | collider, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), nprod, ndecay), intent(in) | channelrates | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's channel rates.
Input of neutral Higgs boson's signal rates for all hadron collider channels (i.e. production x decay mode). This routine can be used to circumvent the narrow width approximation (that is otherwise being employed) for specific collider channels. All non-zero elements of the input matrix channelrates will be used to overwrite the channel rates that are otherwise obtained from the conventional HiggsBounds input in the narrow-width approximation.
The input is given in terms of the signal rate (for production times decay), normalized to the corresponding production cross section (without decay rate!) in the SM at the same Higgs mass, for instance, the (normalized) channel rate \( \frac{\sigma(gg\to h_3 \to \tau^+\tau^- + X)}{\sigma_\text{SM}(gg \to H)}\) for Higgs boson \(h_3\) is given by the matrix element \(\text{channelrates}(3,6,4)\) (see below).
collider | selects the collider experiment for which the input is given
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
channelrates | Input matrix for each neutral Higgs boson. First index enumerates \(i\) the Higgs bosons, second index \(i_\text{prod}\) enumerates the production processes, third index \(i_\text{decay}\) enumerates the decay processes.
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates_clean | ( | ) |
Resets the channelrates.
Use to undo values set by HiggsBounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates_single() and HiggsBounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates()
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates_single | ( | integer, intent(in) | collider, |
integer, intent(in) | nHiggs, | ||
integer, intent(in) | p, | ||
integer, intent(in) | d, | ||
double precision, intent(in) | val | ||
) |
Sets a single channelrate.
Input an element of the channelrate matrix, see higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_channelrates() Elements of the matrix channelrates with values < 0 will be overwritten by XS times BR using the narrow width approximation.
collider | selects the collider experiment for which the input is given
| ||||||||||
nHiggs | Index of the Higgs boson | ||||||||||
p | Index of the production mode | ||||||||||
d | Index of the decay mode | ||||||||||
val | value to set |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_double | ( | integer, intent(in) | collider, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | quantity, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hneut)), intent(in) | val | ||
) |
Set a single 2d hadron collider cross section to the given value(s).
Only sets the specified cxn leaving the other ones unchanged. See also higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr() and higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_single().
collider | selects the collider experiment for which the input is given
| ||||||||||
quantity | which quantity to set, currently only 'XS_hjhi' is supported | ||||||||||
val | values to set |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_single | ( | integer, intent(in) | collider, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | quantity, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | val | ||
) |
Set a single hadron collider cross section to the given value(s).
Only sets the specified cxn leaving the other ones unchanged. See also higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr() and higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_double().
collider | selects the collider experiment for which the input is given
| ||||||||||
quantity | which quantity to set, valid values for the different cross sections are identical to the argument names of higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr() | ||||||||||
val | values to set |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | XS_ee_hjZ_ratio, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | XS_ee_bbhj_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | XS_ee_tautauhj_ratio, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hneut)), intent(in) | XS_ee_hjhi_ratio | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's cross sections for lepton collider (LEP).
(See manual for details on normalization.)
XS_ee_hjZ_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for Higgs-Strahlung, \( e^+e^- \to h_j Z\) |
XS_ee_bbhj_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for \( b\bar{b}\)-associated production, \( e^+e^- \to h_j b\bar{b}\) |
XS_ee_tautauhj_ratio | (SM-normalized) cross section for \( \tau^+\tau^-\)-associated production, \( e^+e^- \to h_j \tau^+\tau^-\) |
XS_ee_hjhi_ratio | (2HDM-normalized) cross section for double Higgs production, \( e^+e^- \to h_i h_j\) |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep_double | ( | character(len=*), intent(in) | quantity, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hneut)), intent(in) | val | ||
) |
Set a single 2d LEP cross section to the given value(s).
Only sets the specified cxn leaving the other ones unchanged. See also higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep() and higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep_single().
quantity | which quantity to set, currently only 'XS_ee_hjhi_ratio' is supported |
val | values to set |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep_single | ( | character(len=*), intent(in) | quantity, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | val | ||
) |
Set a single LEP cross section to the given value(s).
Only sets the specified cxn leaving the other ones unchanged. See also higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep() and higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep_double().
quantity | which quantity to set, valid values for the different cross sections are identical to the argument names of higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep() |
val | values to set |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_nonsmbr | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjinvisible, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hneut), np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hkhjhi, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjhiZ, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjemu, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjetau, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjmutau, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut), np(hplus)), intent(in) | BR_hjHpiW | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios for non-Standard Model final states to HiggsBounds.
BR_hjinvisible | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into invisible final states, \( h_j \to \mathrm{invisible} \) |
BR_hkhjhi | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into two other Higgs bosons, \(h_k\to h_i h_j\) |
BR_hjhiZ | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into a Higgs boson and a Z boson, \(h_j\to h_i Z\) |
BR_hjemu | Branching ratio of lepton-flavor-violating Higgs decay into electron and muon, \(h_j\to e^\pm \mu^\mp\) |
BR_hjetau | Branching ratio of lepton-flavor-violating Higgs decay into electron and tau lepton, \(h_j\to e^\pm \tau^\mp\) |
BR_hjmutau | Branching ratio of lepton-flavor-violating Higgs decay into muon and tau lepton, \(h_j\to \mu^\pm \tau^\mp\) |
BR_hjHpiW | Branching ratio of Higgs decay into a charged Higgs boson and a W boson, \(h_j\to h^\pm_i W^\mp\) |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_properties | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | Mh, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | GammaTotal_hj, | ||
integer, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | CP_value | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's properties (mass, total width, CP) to HiggsBounds.
Note: When using the effective coupling input the total width can be internally derived from the provided input (effective couplings and branching ratios of Higgs decays to non-SM final states) under the assumption of no additional BSM contributions to the total width beyond those provided in the input. This derivation is activated when providing a negative value for the total width.
Mh | mass values (in GeV) of the neutral Higgs bosons |
GammaTotal_hj | total decay width (in GeV) of the neutral Higgs bosons |
CP_value | CP properties of neutral Higgs bosons (+1: CP-even, -1: CP-odd, 0: CP-mixed) |
subroutine higgsbounds_neutral_input_smbr | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjss, |
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjcc, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjbb, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjtt, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjmumu, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjtautau, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjWW, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjZZ, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjZga, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjgaga, | ||
double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | BR_hjgg | ||
) |
Input of neutral Higgs boson's branching ratios for Standard Model final states to HiggsBounds.
BR_hjss | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to strange quarks, \( h_j \to s \bar{s} \) |
BR_hjcc | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to charm quarks, \( h_j \to c \bar{c} \) |
BR_hjbb | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to bottom quarks, \( h_j \to b \bar{b} \) |
BR_hjtt | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to top quarks, \( h_j \to t \bar{t} \) |
BR_hjmumu | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to muons, \( h_j \to \mu^+ \mu^- \) |
BR_hjtautau | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to tau leptons, \( h_j \to \tau^+ \tau^- \) |
BR_hjWW | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to W bosons, \( h_j \to W^+W^- \) |
BR_hjZZ | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to Z bosons, \( h_j \to ZZ \) |
BR_hjZga | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to a Z boson and a photon, \( h_j \to Z\gamma \) |
BR_hjgaga | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to photons, \( h_j \to \gamma\gamma \) |
BR_hjgg | Branching ratio of Higgs decay to gluons, \( h_j \to gg \) |
subroutine higgsbounds_set_mass_uncertainties | ( | double precision, dimension(np(hneut)), intent(in) | dMhneut, |
double precision, dimension(np(hplus)), intent(in) | dMhch | ||
) |
Input of theoretical Higgs mass uncertainties to HiggsBounds.
dMhneut | Theoretical mass uncertainties (in GeV) for the neutral Higgs bosons |
dMhch | Theoretical mass uncertainties (in GeV) for the charged Higgs bosons |
subroutine higgsbounds_slha_output | ( | ) |
Outputs the HiggsBounds results to the SLHA file.
Can only be used if higgsbounds_input_slha() was used beforehand. Writes to the file specified there.
subroutine initialize_higgsbounds | ( | integer, intent(in) | nHiggsneut, |
integer, intent(in) | nHiggsplus, | ||
character(len=5), intent(in) | whichanalyses_in | ||
) |
Initializes HiggsBounds.
It calls subroutines to read in the Standard Model data, data from LEP, Tevatron and LHC experiments, and sets up lists of processes which should be tested.
nHiggsneut | Number of neutral Higgs bosons in the model | ||||||||||||
nHiggsplus | Number of charged Higgs bosons in the model | ||||||||||||
whichanalyses_in | selection of experimental data to be used
subroutine initialize_higgsbounds_chisqtables | ( | ) |
Initialize the LEP Chisq extension.
If the extension is used this needs to be called exactly once and before the call to initialize_higgsbounds
subroutine initialize_higgsbounds_int | ( | integer, intent(in) | nHiggsneut, |
integer, intent(in) | nHiggsplus, | ||
integer, intent(in) | flag | ||
) |
Calls higgsbounds_subroutines::initialize_higgsbounds.
Experimental data set is specified by an integer.
nHiggsneut | Number of neutral Higgs bosons in the model |
nHiggsplus | Number of charged Higgs bosons in the model |
flag | selection of experimental data to be used |
flag | value | experimental data |
1 | onlyL | only LEP data |
2 | onlyH | only Tevatron and LHC data |
3 | LandH | LEP, Tevatron, LHC data |
4 | onlyP | only published results (i.e. those with an arXiv-id) |
5 | list | only data defined in usefulbits::analysislist |
subroutine run_higgsbounds | ( | integer | HBresult, |
integer | chan, | ||
double precision | obsratio, | ||
integer | ncombined | ||
) |
Runs HiggsBounds.
Runs HiggsBounds on the previously specified model point. Per default, it calls higgsbounds_subroutines::run_higgsbounds_full, i.e. for each Higgs boson in the model, HiggsBounds first finds the most sensitive experimental analysis (out of the dataset specified earlier by whichanalyses in initialize_higgsbounds), and then tests the predicted rate against the observed limit in this analysis. The output is then connected by a logical "OR", i.e. if one Higgs boson of the model is excluded, then the model is regarded excluded.
If the logical parameter usefulbits::run_HB_classic is set True, however, the old (version 3) method of determining the output only from the experimental analysis that is most sensitive among all Higgs bosons is being used.
Note, that if many data points are tested at the same time (as for inputmethod==datfiles), this subroutine only returns the results of the last datapoint. The full results are saved in fullHBres.
HBresult | Main binary HiggsBounds result,
| ||||||||
chan | Number of the channel predicted to have the highest statistical sensitivity, as defined in Key.dat | ||||||||
obsratio | Ratio of the predicted rate over the observed limit for this channel | ||||||||
ncombined | Number of Higgs bosons that have been combined in order to calculate the obsratio |
subroutine run_higgsbounds_classic | ( | integer, intent(out) | HBresult, |
integer, intent(out) | chan, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | obsratio, | ||
integer, intent(out) | ncombined | ||
) |
Run HiggsBounds in classic mode.
Uses the old (version 3) method of determining the output only from the experimental analysis that is most sensitive among all Higgs bosons.
This should only be used for comparison purposes or as a prerequisite to the LEP Chisq extension (see higgsbounds_get_lepchisq()).
HBresult | Main binary HiggsBounds result,
| ||||||||
chan | Number of the channel predicted to have the highest statistical sensitivity, as defined in Key.dat | ||||||||
obsratio | Ratio of the predicted rate over the observed limit for this channel | ||||||||
ncombined | Number of Higgs bosons that have been combined in order to calculate the obsratio |
subroutine run_higgsbounds_full | ( | integer, dimension(0:np(hneut) + np(hplus)), intent(out) | HBresult, |
integer, dimension(0:np(hneut) + np(hplus)), intent(out) | chan, | ||
double precision, dimension(0:np(hneut) + np(hplus)), intent(out) | obsratio, | ||
integer, dimension(0:np(hneut) + np(hplus)), intent(out) | ncombined | ||
) |
Runs HiggsBounds.
Runs HiggsBounds on the previously specified model point. For each Higgs boson in the model, HiggsBounds first finds the most sensitive experimental analysis (out of the dataset specified earlier by usefulbits::whichanalyses in higgsbounds_subroutines::initialize_higgsbounds), and then tests the predicted rate against the observed limit in this analysis.
The output arrays are of (length number of neutral and charged Higgs bosons) + 1. The zeroth entry represents the global result (i.e. a logical AND combination of the outcomes of the individual Higgs bosons), the remaining entries enumerate the outcome for the neutral and charged Higgs bosons.
HBresult | Main binary HiggsBounds result,
| ||||||||
chan | Number of the channel predicted to have the highest statistical sensitivity, as defined in Key.dat | ||||||||
obsratio | Ratio of the predicted rate over the observed limit for this channel | ||||||||
ncombined | Number of Higgs bosons that have been combined in order to calculate the obsratio |
subroutine run_higgsbounds_single | ( | integer, intent(in) | h, |
integer, intent(out) | HBresult, | ||
integer, intent(out) | chan, | ||
double precision, intent(out) | obsratio, | ||
integer, intent(out) | ncombined | ||
) |
Runs HiggsBounds and returns results for a single Higgs boson.
Runs HiggsBounds by internally calling higgsbounds_subroutines::run_higgsbounds and extracting the result for a single Higgs boson specified by the index h.
h | Index of the Higgs boson for which the results should be given | ||||||||
HBresult | Main binary HiggsBounds result,
| ||||||||
chan | Number of the channel predicted to have the highest statistical sensitivity, as defined in Key.dat | ||||||||
obsratio | Ratio of the predicted rate over the observed limit for this channel | ||||||||
ncombined | Number of Higgs bosons that have been combined in order to calculate the obsratio |