HiggsBounds  5.10.2
The HiggsBounds Subroutine Interface

Using HiggsBounds through the Subroutines

The HiggsBounds subroutine interface is the recommended way of using HiggsBounds in your code. All functions of this interface are located and documented in src/HiggsBounds_subroutines.F90. The interface can be separated into four parts.

1. Initialization

Before HiggsBounds can be used, the correct amount of storage needs to be allocated and all required tabulated datafiles need to be read. This is done by the subroutines initialize_higgsbounds() (or alternatively initialize_higgsbounds_int()). These subroutines take the number of neutral and charged Higgs bosons (needed to allocate the correct amount of storage) and a flag specifying which analyses should be included (to read only the required datafiles). It is recommended to use the full dataset "LandH".

2. Input

In order to obtain the model predictions for all of the implemented analyses, HiggsBounds requires a detailed input of the properties of the scalars in your model.

Neutral Input

For the neutral Higgs predictions you can either use the effective coupling input or the hadronic input (the partonic input option from HiggsBounds-4 is no longer available). It may also be useful to mix the two approaches (see below).

  1. For either input method use higgsbounds_neutral_input_properties() to set the basic properties of the neutral Higgs bosons.
  2. The remaining properties are set through the subroutines:

It can be useful to combine the two methods by first using the effective coupling input and then replacing some of the quantities by more precisely calculated values. However, note that using any of the above input subroutines will replace the values for all of their arguments. To set values for only a specific quantity, use the higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_single(), higgsbounds_neutral_input_hadr_double(), higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep_single() and higgsbounds_neutral_input_lep_double() subroutines.

Charged Input

There is no effective coupling input for the charged Higgs bosons, since there is nothing in the SM to normalize their couplings to. The subroutines for the charged Higgs input are higgsbounds_charged_input() and higgsbounds_charged_input_hadr().


In models where the Higgs masses are not input parameters you should also set their theoretical uncertainties through higgsbounds_set_mass_uncertainties().

SLHA input

An alternative to all of the above is to use the HiggsBounds SLHA interface through the higgsbounds_input_slha() subroutine. This interface is documented in more detail in the manual.

3. Running HiggsBounds

Once you have provided all the input you can actually run HiggsBounds though the run_higgsbounds() subroutine and save the returned results. If you are interested in the next-sensitive channels these can be obtained through higgsbounds_get_most_sensitive_channels() and higgsbounds_get_most_sensitive_channels_per_higgs().

If you used the SLHA input you may also want to use the SLHA output through higgsbounds_slha_output().

4. Cleanup

When you are done with HiggsBounds you need to call finish_higgsbounds() to clean up.

If you use HiggsBounds on many parameter points, make sure to only repeat steps 2 and 3 for each point.

Phenomenological Quantities

HiggsBounds also provides access to many of the phenomenological quantities that are used internally. This may be especially useful if you are using the effective coupling input, in which case HiggsBounds can provide you with values for many quantities derived from this input.

The higgsbounds_get_neutral_br() and higgsbounds_get_neutral_hadr_cs() provide this information by returning the BRs into SM particles or the hadronic production cross sections for the specified neutral Higgs boson. These can only used after input has been provided, typically through higgsbounds_neutral_input_effc().

The tabulated data used by HiggsBounds can also be accessed through a subroutine interface found in src/access_SM.f90 and src/access_effC.f90. Using these subroutines only requires HiggsBounds to be initialized.