These tables list the production and decay mode identifiers used in HiggsSignals. A rate ID string is build out of one production mode ID p
and one decay mode ID d
as "p.d"
The production modes are:
identifier | production mode |
0 | no production mode |
1 | single Higgs production, \( pp \to \phi \) (includes gluon fusion and bb-associated) |
2 | vector boson fusion, \( pp \to \phi \) |
3 | W-boson associated Higgs production, \( pp \to W^\pm \phi \) |
4 | Z-boson associated Higgs production, \( pp \to Z \phi \) |
5 | tt-associated Higgs production, \( pp \to t\bar{t} \phi \) |
6 | gluon fusion Higgs production, \( gg \to \phi \) |
7 | bb-associated Higgs production, \( gg \to b\bar{b} \phi \)/ \( bb \to \phi \) (4FS/5FS) |
8 | single top associated Higgs production (t-channel), \( pp \to t\phi \) |
9 | single top associated Higgs production (s-channel), \( pp \to t\phi \) |
10 | quark-initiated Z-boson associated Higgs production, \( q\bar{q} \to Z\phi \) |
11 | gluon-initiated Z-boson associated Higgs production, \( gg \to Z\phi \) |
12 | single top and W-boson associated Higgs production, \( gb \to tW^\pm \phi \) (not yet implemented) |
The decay modes are:
identifier | decay mode |
0 | no decay mode |
1 | \( \phi \to \gamma\gamma \) |
2 | \( \phi \to W^+W^- \) |
3 | \( \phi \to ZZ \) |
4 | \( \phi \to \tau^+\tau^- \) |
5 | \( \phi \to b\bar{b} \) |
6 | \( \phi \to Z\gamma \) |
7 | \( \phi \to c\bar{c} \) |
8 | \( \phi \to \mu^+\mu^- \) |
9 | \( \phi \to gg \) |
10 | \( \phi \to s\bar{s} \) |
11 | \( \phi \to t\bar{t} \) |